Earlier in the year, I happened onto a community of bloggers over at clusterflock. I read for a few days and found myself commenting on a fairly regular basis on a variety of posts. One common element in many of my comments is that they were often memories brought to mind by something in the post or some mention in the comments. For a while, this was happening on nearly a daily basis, and even though responses to my meanderings were encouraging, I felt I was using up a little too much band-width. I started thinking it might be interesting to have a place to put the memories that come. The more I thought about it, I started realizing how everything I say or do has a memory tied to it. Anyway, I got it all up in my head to start this blog.

So why REMEMBERY? I was trying to name this blog and was not having much luck coming up with a title that 1) appealed to me and 2) wasn’t already taken (at least here on WordPress). REMEMBERY came to mind, I typed it in, and here we are. Later in the day, I thought I’d better have a look to see what, if anything, the internets might have to offer by way of definition, if the word existed at all. I found it did exist and it seems to have a sort of hip-hoppy connotation. Urban Dictionary gives us: When seeing or hearing something triggers a forgotten memory.

My goal is to place those forgotten memories here. I hope if my memory triggers a memory in you, that you’ll share it in comments. Here are a few rules I’m imposing upon myself. If you comment, perhaps you’ll be kind enough to let them guide you, too.

1) The REMEMBERY should be written within a few hours of having a memory triggered by something heard or seen.

2) This is for now the only rule.

3) This rule is to be broken at every opportunity.

10 Responses to “Why”

  1. Sheila Ryan Says:

    ” . . . a place to put the memories that come . . . ”


  2. Rick Says:

    Yes, indeed.

  3. Sheila Ryan Says:

    And I’m liking the latest look, too.

  4. Rick Says:

    Thanks bunches, I’m working on it. Still looking for the “right” header photo.

  5. Sheila Ryan Says:

    When you see it, you’ll know it. When you know it, you’ll see it.

  6. Rick Says:

    I also need a different profile pic. This one’s OK for Remembery, but I just discovered it also shows up when I comment on anyone else’s WordPress blog, like for instance our friend Joseph’s PublicOrgTheory blog. It just seems to be a little juvenile in that context.

  7. Sheila Ryan Says:

    Rick! Now you’re a big boy!

  8. Rick Neece Says:

    Do I have to be? It’s not that I mind, I just…well, I need to have Danny or someone take a photo of me for this. I’m thinking a’ la Mapplethorpe’s “masks.” I’ll have to play a bit with that idea. Maybe in whiteface? Tee Hee.

  9. kislitsin Says:

    Hello, Rick
    Great idea! Maybe you would like to have a look at bank of memories and dreams of Humankind, at http://www.memorycemetery.com/about
    I guess you will like the idea… Probably you could submit some of your memories there; there are also quite a few first memories. All memories entered there can’t be edited or deleted later and stay there forever; furthermore beamed to outer space. As long as it looks you share this idea, and ideas do not belong to anybody, probably we could do something together? Say, you are welcome to post your memories and memories of people who’d like to too there, and welcome to reprint anything you find useful from there. It’s a win/win situation, as we would have more interesting and diverse content both and maintaining links can bring in some more readers; I couldn’t find your contact details, so feel yourself free to register at Memorycemetery or drop me a line at boris@memorycemetery.com,

  10. Sheila Ryan Says:

    I do like the snow-heaped patio furniture. “Mais où sont les neiges d’antan?”

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